Društvo Maja Farol zavrača prevladujoče apolitično stališče arhitektov, ki se ne sprašujejo o širših družbenih posledicah produkcije prostora ter pogosto niso pripravljeni razumeti in nositi odgovornosti za rezultate svojega delovanja. Ne verjame namreč, da so za arhitekte družbene okoliščine le vnaprejšnja danost, v okviru katere naj bi poiskali čim boljšo likovno in organizacijsko rešitev zastavljenega problema.
Arhitektura ni neodvisno področje, temveč je del družbenih procesov produkcije prostora, zato je sodelovanje pri opredelitvi problema ena njenih temeljnih nalog. Prostorske rešitve niso rezultat avtorskega pristopa posameznikov, pač pa je ustvarjalnost rezultat sodelovanja interdisciplinarne skupine strokovnjakov s širokim vpogledom v družbene procese.
Skupina Maja Farol zato razvija nov mrežni model delovanja, ki predstavlja možnost, da se vprašanja pravilno zastavijo ter poiščejo sveži pogledi in rešitve zanje.
Maja Farol Society strongly disagrees with the predominating apolitical standpoint of architects that refuse to question the wider social consequences of space production and are often not willing to understand it or take the responsibility for their interventions.
In our oppinon the task of architecture should not be reduced to just looking for an adequate visual and conceptual spatial answers to given social circumstances.
We think of architecture as part of the process of production of space Within the community, hence collaboration in defining the problem should be architecture's core priority. Our group is convinced that architectural projects should not be a result of the authorship of an individual but a creative collaboration of an interdisciplinary group of professionals with a wide insight into social processes and developments in the community.
For all the above reasons MAJA FAROL Society is developing a new networking work module which is giving us an opportunity to ask the right questions and find fresh answers and solutions to them.